Monday 1 December 2008

Pinch and a punch, first of the month

So.... Looks like its been a while since I last posted. This is almost entirely due to me being lazy but also partly due to me having lots of work to do. Am once again going to make an attempt to keep my blog up to date although I expect my posts will be of the shorter variety (do I hear cheers?).

Having struggled with the HUSNGs on PokerStars I moved back to playing them on Full Tilt with much more success, I think that the longer structure is much more suited to my style of play and I suck at playing short stacked (something which I am working to improve). My current stats for the $10 HUSNGs on full tilt are:

Played: 265
Avg $ per game: $1.6
ROI: 15%
Total $$: $418

I moved briefly up to the $20s when I was running well but quickly dropped $150 and so went back to grinding the $10s.

I have started playing 2 tables now and so am averaging 12 games per hour.... meaning that I should be able to significantly boost my volume..... hopefully will be able to put in the hours. Am planning to make it to about 400-500 games at the $10s before I move up to the $20s but might take a couple of shots before then.

Will try to add some more interesting stuff soon.... but its good to be back blogging.


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